How Not To Get Stressed When Planning Your Wedding
For such a joyful occasion, I think we can all agree that the run-up to the big day can be extremely overwhelming. The degree of planning required for a wedding can seem insurmountable at times and there’ll be days when you feel like tearing your hair out and running for the hills. It’s completely normal for a couple to experience stress during this planning phase; it’s a busy time, on top of everyday work and family commitments.
A certain amount of stress can be a great motivator but there’s a point when anxiety can overtake the enjoyment of planning your wedding; so let’s talk through 5 coping mechanisms that will make your wedding journey blissful, not stressful. Remember, there is no shame in struggling during this period, after all, planning a wedding is a mammoth task!
We’ll call it your Wedding Stress Toolkit.
But before we delve into stress solutions, let’s examine the symptoms of stress:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Stomach issues
- Palpitations
Mental and Emotional
- Feeling overwhelmed
- Difficulty concentrating
- Forgetfulness
- You struggle to make decisions
- Irritability
- You sleep too much or not enough
- You may overeat or lose your appetite
Tool #1
Take Time Away from Planning and Get Plenty of Sleep
It may sound obvious but it bears repeating that not every spare minute of your time should be spent on planning your wedding. If you’re regularly dreaming about your nuptials that’s a sign you should take some time out! In all seriousness, if you find yourself experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms of stress, then pencil in some rest and recuperation. It might be a spa day or afternoon tea with your friends, or curling up on the sofa with a good book, film or TV show. Make this a regular fixture between now and your nuptials.
Finally, a decent night’s sleep is vital for overall health and peace of mind. Of course, there are going to be occasions when you go without the full 7-8 hours, but a decent sleep schedule should be your number one priority between now and your wedding. You’ll need plenty of energy and your wits about you!
Tool #2
Write it Down
Clear your head with some good old-fashioned writing. Known as a mind dump, this exercise is a great way to release any pent up stress, and all you need is paper and a pencil. With so much whirling around your head, you can easily feel frazzled, not to mention a little dizzy! Grab your pen and divide your page into two sections: one for all of your worries and fears and the other for everything you’ve achieved so far. You’ll simultaneously feel a sense of relief and achievement. Your mind will be clear and you’ll feel much more relaxed.
Tool #3
Ditch the Extreme Diets
There is extraordinary pressure to look ‘perfect’ on your wedding day, but remember, ‘perfect’ is relative! You will look stunning on your big day: you’re in love!
Extreme dieting can be detrimental to your physical health; it will zap your energy, make you irritable and prone to headaches. Mentally, you’re at risk of losing your joie de vivre, which is crucial during this wonderful time in your life.
Indeed, starvation diets can cause your metabolism to crash and you may find your weight loss tails off quite a bit. If you want to lose a little weight for your wedding, aim for a 500 calorie daily deficit which will result in a sensible weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week.
Tool #4
Don’t Do it all Yourself
It’s tempting to take on the majority share of the work when planning your wedding. Why? You may find it difficult to share your vision with those willing to help out, or you may not want to burden your intended or loved ones. Before you all panic at the workload, split your wedding day into sections and make a to-do list for each one. Be realistic in your expectations and give yourselves a workable timescale for each aspect of your happy day.
Then, consider those who have offered their services:
- What’s their area of expertise?
- How much time can they commit to helping you both out?
Finally, ask for help on the big day itself. You want to enjoy your wedding and worrying about a hundred different little things will have a detrimental effect on your overall experience. You’ll want memories of joy, family and love, not missing bouquets or cold starters.
Tool #5
Enjoy the Process!
Wedding planning can feel like a job at times. But if you have plenty of help from your other half and the wedding party, you’ll be in the position to really enjoy the process and thrive on the excitement.
Without that constant feeling of overwhelm, you’ll be free to store up beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.
I hope my toolkit comes in handy during this wonderful period of your life. Remember the old saying, ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff?’ It applies to wedding planning! If you’re organised and have help on hand, you’ll look back on this time with a smile.